The 640 MEG Shareware Studio 1
The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume I (Data Express)(1992).ISO
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* MANAGING YOUR FOOD Version 3.61 Copyright (c) 1991 by Greg Aakhus *
<< ENHANCEMENTS >> Summary of enhancements from MYF 2.20 to MYF 3.xx
1) Complete new user interface. The program is now driven by
a Pull Down Menu. This allows you to go deep in the program
and immediately go to another section. e.g. Suppose you are
looking at the output of the Ingredient file after specifying
it to list by high Vitamin B first. You may then immediately
start editing the Reminder file, no need to escape out to the
main menu, pick the utility menu, then edit the file. Common
commands can also be selected by keystroke. They are shown
in the pull down menu for an easy to learn interface. e.g.
Alt I takes you immediately the the ingredient file no matter
where you are. Same with Alt R (Recipe), Alt M (Meal), and
Alt P (Plan).
2) Plans and meals: Plans are records in the plan file and can
be saved, listed and outputted. Used Meal concept instead of
Misc. Plans consist of up to 20 Meals, Recipes, and/or
Ingredients. Meals consist of 20 Recipes and/or Ingredients.
Recipes consist of 20 Recipes and/or Ingredients. All names
are standard at 20 characters. The shopping list may be
created from many plans or 1. You may do the shopping for the
month by creating the shopping list from 4 weekly plans.
3) Added Vitamins (A,B1,B2,B6,B12,C,D,E,Folic Acid,Niacin,
Pant Acid), Minerals (Na,Ca,Mg,Zn,Mn,K,P,Fe,Cu), Cholesterol,
percent RDA, and 2 user defined nutrients to database. When
displaying nutrients, the user may specify what to show.
E.g., Show vitamins and Exchanges only, or show only Minerals,
etc. All 4 files carry nutritional information. The ingredient
record is close to the same size with all the added information.
Also 2 nutrition fields may be defined by the user. This
allows you to tract a trace mineral, sugar, or ?
4) ^G to Get ingredients can now accommodate 6000 ingredients.
^G now also Gets Supplier and section in the Ingredient file,
Cuisine in the recipe file, and Category in the Meal file
with 600 items possible. This will help keep the classifications
free of duplicates.
5) Installing custom settings is now very easy. You may install
user fields, paths, what nutrients to show, printer lines per
page, number of decimals to display, etc.
6) Explicit error messages are displayed when figuring nutrition
for Recipes, Meals, and Plans. If there is an error, you will
no longer have to remember the cryptic error codes in the cost
field, rather, errors are stated in English. e.g. Suppose the
program could not find an ingredient in a recipe. Pressing ^N
(nutrition) will state the ingredient name, stating that it was
not found.
7) Recipes are referenced in the Recipe, Meal, or Plan file by
using "SER" in the measurement field. Meals are referenced by
using "MLS" in the measurement field. Whole recipes and meals
are referenced by putting a "0" in the quantity field,
otherwise servings are used.
8) Output enhancements. Form feeds only are put in when outputting
to the printer. Form feeds are based on lines per page as
installed by the user. NON-IBM printers have substitute
characters only when outputting, not the display. When output
is directed to the screen, a browse utility is used to page
through the output, backing up, going to the beginning or end
of the output. Or you may install your own editor and use it
when displaying the output to the screen, even modifying the
results to your taste. Also the same output may be
re-directed to your choice of device until done. e.g. Output
may be directed to the Screen, file, printer, and screen
9) All changes are saved unless escaped. No longer do you have
to press ^S to save your changes. If you make changes and
don't want to keep them, press <Esc>. You will be asked for
confirmation. Also the exact place in the file (what record
and field) is remembered, not only in the session, but from
session to session. This allows instant file switching. e.g.
If you are editing a recipe and want to change an ingredient,
press Alt I, find the ingredient, make your change, press Alt
R, and you will be back at the same record and in the same
field of you recipe. Pressing Alt I again will return to the
ingredient file at the same ingredient.
10) Listing of information in files. All information in all the
files may be displayed (screen/printer/disk). There are over
100 ways to display each of the 4 food files. Output may be
listed as complete records, as a summary, sorting by high/low
nutrients. Hidden field multipliers can also be listed.
All recipes containing a certain ingredient may be listed.
Picking the output is very easy using the Pull down menu.
11) Merge. All files of similar type may now be joined easily.
This can be done by record or file. e.g. To merge one recipe
file to another recipe file, edit the source recipe file. To
pick the records to export to the destination file, goto the
record and press Alt E. One the first one you will be asked
for destination directory, after that all records specified
will be added as long as the name is unique. You may also
specify to do the whole file. All names not already in the
destination file will be automatically added.
12) Other new features:
a) Field nutrition. When editing a Plan, Meal, or Recipe,
the nutrition of that field can be displayed (Alt N).
e.g. The first item in a recipe is "2 cup milk". Put
the cursor on any of the 3 fields and press Alt N.
Nutrition will be displayed for 2 cups of milk. It also
works when referencing recipes or meals. Pressing Alt N
on "3 SER lasagne" will show nutrition for 3 servings of
the recipe lasagne.
b) Auto Add. Press Alt A to automatically add an item not
found. This work when in the Plan, Meal, or Recipe file.
e.g. Entering a recipe name when planning a menu, and
you are informed the recipe in not in the recipe file,
press Alt A to enter the recipe file and add it.
c) Copy records. Records may now be copied. e.g. When adding
crunchy peanut butter to the ingredient file when there
is already a regular peanut butter record, select "Copy"
from the pull down menu under records. All fields will
be copied except the name field.
d) Quantity field now accepts fractions. e.g. 3 1/2 is OK.
You don't have to enter 3.5 although that is still acceptable.
13) Additional changes:
a) ^L for quick Look now can be used by all 4 files.
b) TAB is same as <RET>, Shift TAB now backspaces fields.
c) The address file is no longer supported.
d) The Code is about 25% smaller.
e) To play the reminders, just specify "MYF Y", Y for plaY.
It is no longer a separate program.
f) The Command line supports "I","R","M","P" parameters to
go right to the specified file. "MYF R" will take you
right to the Recipe file.
g) To specify black and white with a color card use MYF BW80.
Only the first B is required. If you wanted to use another
too, then specify it second. e.g. "MYF B R" will take you
to the recipe file in black and white mode.
h) When entering numbers, overstrike mode is used.
i) Command changes: Next record = PageDown, was ^N or PageDown.
^N is now Nutrition.
Prev record = PageUp, was ^P or PageUp.
^P is now Print record.
14) HELP: Whole document file is loaded into browse facility.
You are placed at the line pertaining to where you are in
the program (context sensitive).
15) USDA nutrient database of Agriculture Handbook 8, Release 9
available to registered users. 4950 ingredients.
Version 3 bug fixes and enhancements.
Version 3.1 - Bug fixes to shopping list output of PLANNER.
Version 3.11 - Much faster shopping list output of PLANNER.
Version 3.12 - Tutorial under MYF on Pull Down Menu.
Version 3.13 - Fixed Setting bug from tutorial on 3.12.
Fixed empty reminder file bug.
Version 3.20 - Fixed ^G in Cuisine, Category Supplier, section Fields.
Added ability to delete items from the shopping list.
Version 3.21 - Added ^G message. Fixed Copy bug. Smoother Merge.
Version 3.23 - Fixed shopping list bug on deleted ingredient.
Version 3.25 - Fixed and improved settings.
Version 3.26 - Fixed mouse for missing device driver for DOS 2.x.
Version 3.30 - Made clearer Table file loading. Escape now exits
files, too. Bug fixes on ^G, Output Text file,
and Add to Table.
Version 3.40 - Fix Escape bug. Added simple text editor for
screen output. Easy registration.
Version 3.42 - Fancy select box.
Version 3.48 - Added Inventory Control.
Version 3.50 - Member of Association of Shareware Professionals.
Version 3.51 - Bug fix for individual print record.
Version 3.52 - Bug fix for listing by sorted record. New ASP address.
Version 3.53 - Added processing counter and down arrow to PDM.
Easier to install own editor.
Version 3.54 - Smoother PDM record commands.
Version 3.55 - Added ability to Print Manual from PDM.
Version 3.60 - Fixed Recipe/Meal print bug (column 2 qty same as col 1)
Version 3.61 - Enhanced Plan Recipe output. Real number input drop bug.
Recipe/Meal/Plan errors are shown in output (list).
SAVINGS NOTE: Anyone informing the author (call or write first)
of a genuine bug may register for 1/2 price!
The following suggestions from satisfied users are being worked on
for future releases. Please register to help these become a reality:
1) Search and replace by field (field editor).
E.g., replace all VONS stores with RALPHS.
2) Sophisticated QUERY, i.e. pick records to include in a report.
3) Custom and quick reports. Quickly mark the fields
you wish to output per record. Allow user defined
reports to fill out recipe cards, etc.